Hacks To Feel Active In The Winter

3 min readDec 3, 2020

Motivation is that friend who pays us an occasional visit as per its convenience and rest of the year, its just us…cold calling the poor lad.

At this time of the year, it is particularly difficult to get hold of our dear friend…not to mention the year 2020 has added to its callousness.

Sitting dull or even worse…staying in bed all day will add to your unproductivity.

So here are 5 simple hacks that I follow (and in that order) to stay active in the winters.

1. Take A Bath

There, I’ve said it. It is NOT impossible to take a bath everyday in winters.

You are no stranger to the fact that baths make us feel fresh. Right. So my suggestion to you is…take a bath around noon, so that you can treat it as a break from work. Just hop in…take a hot-cold shower and get ready for your day.

And by get ready I mean, get ready as if you’re going out. Moisturize, comb your hair and put on home clothes if dressing up is too much trouble. Anything is fine as long as you accomplish the goal which is…getting ready makes you feel as if what you’re about to do is important and you start taking the day more seriously.

2. Drink Up

I am going to skip the part where I school you about the importance of staying hydrated.

You MUST consume at least 10 glasses of water everyday, if not more.

If you’re struggling with it, here’s a hack: do most of the drinking in the first half of the day. People tend to lose energy towards the 2nd half.

SO the trick to stay active is…the more you drink, the more fresh you feel. Also, you would want to pee a lot, which is good. It makes you get up from work once in a while and take a mini stroll through the house.

Trust me, you will appreciate this kind of break.

3. Stay Active In The Daylight Hours

Like I said, its easier to get all your tasks done in the 1st half of the day…you feel more fresh and energetic.

Keep all the socializing and other not-so-important works for the 2nd half. It helps.

4. Take A Walk

Staying physically active is SUCH a challenge in this season because everytime you pass the bed, you can literally feel the comfort of the warm blanket and soft sheets.

So take a walk in the evening…preferably when there’s light. There is NOTHING more relaxing than little bit of sun and a breath of cool air.

5. Sleep Early

Whatever early means to you.

Days in winters are short as it is. Make them feel longer by sleeping early so as to get a decent 8 hr sleep and wake up at a time that doesn’t cut you short of the daylight hours.

